I have been collecting the empty egg cartons for this activity for a while. I already made the 'moon dust' for the space sensory tub we did last year.
6 cups fine salt
large squirt of liquid black food colouring (or 1/2 tsp gel colouring mixed with few drops water)
2-4 tbsp baby powder or flour
generous sprinkle of silver glitter
A bid to reduce clearing up time I layed out some black bin liners then I placed the egg cartons on top and sprinkled the moon dust over them. I had the kids to have a more concentrated area of moondust.
For the back drop I got the fire guard and covered it with a garden weed resist sheet. I then taped on glow in the dark planets and stars (randomly).
Then we added in some space rockets and two astronaut figures!
One of the space shuttles we got from the space centre and it is a USA rocket , so we pretended that they were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ( which was amusing as we had buzz light years rocket). We role played landing in the moon and walking on it. We talked about the dry, dusty surface and that there are lots of craters.
They hid the small stars for each other to find in the moon dust.
Here are 5 more ideas to do with this project!
Crater experiment- dropping marbles into the moon dust at different heights and measure the diameter of the crater.
Build a rocket- out of a toilet roll
Jaffa cake phases of the moon display (also seen an Oreo one)
Moon diary. Document the monthly changes of the moon.
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