Thursday, August 22, 2013

Threading pipe cleaners and beads

I originally tried this activity when Dylan was one but I only had a few pipe cleaners and of course wasn't going to use beads . He did thread the pipe cleaners with help but wasn't very interested.

I think his interest has grown as he is older more physically capable, he can understand instructions and loves the addition of the beads.
Here he is counting the beads.
Now he is telling me the colours.
Look at the concentration!
Warning the ends are quite sharp and I wouldn't even now leave him alone with them just invase he decides to put them in his mouth.

Now he is trying to match the sequence I have made.

Searching for colours that I hint to him to get the sequence to match

Counting and identifying colours again.

I then got him to compare them to check if they match,

Dylan was more interested in threading beads and then put them into the colander .

This activity involves:-
Colour identification: we had different shades which was good for him to work out
Numeracy:- sequencing and counting
Fine motor skills: threading, picking up beads
Listening skills: giving sequences verbally

Extra ideas
To get them to predict the next bead
Sort colours/shades
Makes rainbow bracelet
Tell a story using the colours in the sequence by choosing an object of that colour.
Such as the blue dolphin had white teeth and a red and pink to tongue. He lives in the blue sea where there is lots of green seaweed. An orange boat with a black roof when sailing past and dropped a yellow net into the blue sea.

Any more ideas that you would or have tried please let me know.

Dylan 2.8

Salt dough boulder construction site

I made my first batch of salt dough using flour, salt, water, oil and food colouring.
I then made different sized boulders. I encouraged Dylan to help but he likes making sausages and hasn't mastered balls.

He then loaded the boulders into the trucks.
He ordered them by size.
He counted them .
Then of course destroyed them and decided to 'hide' the trucks.

So much fun and learning and best of all easy to do. Of course playdoh is an even easier option.the salt dough kept in my fridge for a few weeks. I wrapped it in cling film to stop it drying out.

Sketchbook inspiration ideas

My son Dylan gets bored very easy when given plain paper and.colouring materials. So I thought lets give him objects to increase his attention making the activity last for longer.

Draw around toys: Dylan can have a good go at this.
Copy sketch toys- Dylan isn't able to do this yet.
Draw a picture for toys to be part of: Dylan drew a race track
Not sure why he wants all three In his hand at once but he enjoyed it.

Plastic lids
Draw around the lids
He decided to hide the money in the lids.
Draw around the money
Do wax rubbings :  Dylan needs help to set it up and demonstrating first.

Others ideas for next time 
Foam shapes
Magazine cutouts

Any other ideas to enhance the interest and spark imagination when using a sketch book?

Cars Observation game.

My second son is only 3 weeks old and I a, conscious that my first son will feel left out especially when we are on our own and I am feeding Zac . So I started reading with Dylan and trying to invent games that we could do that didn't involve movement and that would interest Dylan .

He is really into Cars the movie at the moment and plays with the cars all the time. So I showed how to play a memory game of removing an object and asking him to recall the missing object.
I encouraged him to look at all the cars and remember them.
Then be had to cover his eyes and count to five.
Next he had to guess.

I used a blanket to conceal what I was doing but isn't that important.
He was extremely good got it right e every time within seconds. He has a very good memory so I am always happy to develop it. He then wanted to do the hiding bless him. 

He showed the game to his dad later and he used the blanket. James asked why is he using the blanket? It's funny to see them copy things exactly including the phrases I used.

Dylan 2.8

Any ideas for other games I could play while feeding ??